Step 3 - Connect Salesforce to Xero

Step 3 - Connect Salesforce to Xero

 Step 1: Click on the Setup Tab, Click Connect to Xero


The process will ask you to login to Xero (if not already logged in) and to Allow Access. When access is allowed, it will redirect back to Salesforce for the next steps.


Step 3: Setup base Configuration

  • This page will allow you store default settings when working with your Xero data.


  • Whether you change any settings, or will do so later, hit Save to move to the final step.

Step 4: Importing Xero Contacts.
You can map your existing accounts from Xero by selecting the corresponding Salesforce account in the account look-up.
When have mapped the accounts that you can reconcile, click “Next” to start the import process.
(If you do not have any Xero contacts, it will say ‘No Xero Contacts retrieved’ and you can click onto the synchronised tab to finish the installation process)



Once the import has completed, you have succesfully installed TwixRiva app in your org!


You will be presented with a summary of the import process, including the number of contacts and invoices imported.


Next Step: Step 4 - Product Synchronisation

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