Step 2 - Create the TwixRiva App in Xero

Step 2 - Create the TwixRiva App in Xero

Xero Access Setup:

The following steps create the access keys to allow Salesforce to integrate with Xero. The user account that you use for this process will need to have Xero administrator access.

Step 1: Log in to the Xero Developer site - https://developer.xero.com/myapps/ (Use the same user credentials as logging in to Xero https://login.xero.com/)

Step 2: Click My Apps Tab, then “New app” button

  • Set the following information for the new app.

    • App Name - Any name to describe the Apps’s usage ( For Example “TwixRiva”)

    • Web app - Standard Auth Code.

    • Company or application URL - This is the OAuth 2.0 redirect URI
      Available in ‘TwixRiva Assistant Setup’ - Step 4.

    • Privacy URL - Not required

    • Terms and Conditions URL - Not required

    • OAuth 2.0 redirect URI - Same as above.

Once complete, click Create App.


Step 3: On the Configuration page (below App details), copy the Client Id and record it for later.

Generate a Client Secret , copy and record it also. This information will be entered in Salesforce in the next set of instructions. Click “Save


  • Switch back to Salesforce and navigate to the App launcher, search “Xero Integration by Carnac”, click the “Setup” Tab.

  • In the page, start at the “Connect to Xero” and enter the previously copied values for “Client Id”, “Client Secret” and “Webhook Key” generated from the Xero MyApp website.

  • Click Save OAuth Settings

  • Click Connect to Xero. Once connected leave the mapping screen as is. We will review in the next step.


 Next Step:

Step 3 - Connect Salesforce to Xero

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